Hello! I'm Sana.
Computer Science student @ McMaster University | Aspiring Data Scientist
About Me
Bachelor's Degree in Applied Science, Computer Science
McMaster University, 2022 - 2026
IT Project Assistant
McMaster Housing and Conference Services, 2023 - Present
Held key responsibilities including delivering prompt and
proficient technical support, and ensuring the security and
optimal performance of all technology systems.
Technical Skills
Programming Languages
Tools & Frameworks
Shape Intersection
Toronto Weather Prediction
Personal Portfolio
Outside the Classroom
MacEng Ambassador
McMaster Engineering Society
Proudly represented MacEng, guiding students and families through campus tours and answering their questions during orientation programs. Shared my personal journey and inspired prospective students with McMaster's history, legacy and achievements. Also played a key role in expanding our reach and enhancing international enrollment, leaving a lasting impact on our community’s growth.
Residence Orientation Representative
McMaster Housing and Conference Services
Orchestrated a smooth and well-structured residence move-in process, ensuring new students felt welcomed and confident as they began their university journey. Directed Welcome Week events with energy and creativity, fostering student engagement, building community spirit, and ensuring first-year students transitioned seamlessly into university life.
If you would like to connect with me, drop down a message!